From the Labs of Elon Musk: 'Telepathy’

Elon Musk has shown us his cards. The world’s richest man has made his move into humans, calling Neuralink’s new implant “Telepathy,” the perfect name for a device that’s being inserted into the brains of those suffering paralysis for the purpose of enabling them to communicate and control devices just by thinking.

For a glimpse of our future, see Neuralink’s promotional video.

the size of a quarter, telepathy is being robotically inserted into the brains of subjects and wired to key brain regions responsible for movement.

“Imagine the joy of connecting with your loved ones, browsing the web, or even playing games using only your thoughts. This is made possible by placing a small, cosmetically invisible implant in a part of your brain that controls movements. The device is designed so you can operate a computer or a smartphone by simply thinking about moving.”

Musk aims to put his new device into the brains of 22,000 people by 2030. He wants to achieve a symbiosis between the brain and AI so that we’ll all be able to compete with AI-empowered robots.

The Soul Matters theme in March is Transformation. This strikes us as the perfect time to ask:

Are we ready to become cyborgs?

Dan Forbush

PublIsher developing new properties in citizen journalism.

In 2045, Shopping at the Center for Mind Design


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