Four Initiatives Going Forward
In a 90-minute Zoom conversation yesterday, UURAI mapped four initiatives by which to engage UUs in the "AI conversation" and support the development of AI in ways that are consistent with UU principles of dignity, equity, and justice.
I recorded and transcribed the conversation in Otter, then handed the transcript to ChatGPT for polishing and editing.
A great host, Peter Bowden will publish video highlights of our conversation his YouTube channel. We greatly appreciate his contributions toward this effort.
UURAI meets in Zoom each Thursday at noon EST. Please continue this conversation with us at our next meeting on December 5 at this link:
Dan Forbush
UU Saratoga
The group emphasized the importance of integrating discussions about artificial intelligence (AI) into Unitarian Universalist (UU) congregational life, focusing on both ethical considerations and practical applications.
Peter Bowden and Ron Roth highlighted the need for grassroots efforts to make AI discussions accessible, proposing tools like an AI Engagement Guide and initiatives such as Coffee Hour AI Chats to spark informal but meaningful conversations.
Elias Kruger reinforced this by pointing to resources offered by AI and Faith, a network of experts addressing the moral challenges of AI, and encouraged leveraging storytelling and science fiction to explore future possibilities and counter techno-optimism. Peter connected this to congregational leadership, suggesting clergy-specific events to prepare ministers for AI’s impact on community life.
The group aligned on storytelling as a powerful tool for engagement, with Dan Forbush re-introducing Darwin’s Edge, a sci-fi narrative set in 2045, as a way to connect UU principles to futuristic scenarios. Both Dan and Elias emphasized the importance of engaging young UUs in creating AI-based stories to explore values-driven futures.
Peter proposed a UU AI Summit in January or February to bring together experts, hopefully including Mark Graves and Shannon Vallor, alongside breakout discussions on ethical AI and community engagement. This summit, Ron suggested, could serve as a precursor to a live panel proposal for the 2025 General Assembly, spotlighting UUs’ leadership in responsible AI development.
Samuel Prince underscored the urgency of addressing AI’s pervasive influence on daily life, noting its transformative potential for justice and equity. He echoed the importance of grassroots leadership, drawing on his own congregation’s success in fostering AI conversations. Together, the group stressed that these initiatives not only align with UU values but also offer a vital opportunity for UUs to lead in shaping ethical narratives and practical tools for AI’s integration into society.
Main Initiatives
Hosting a UU AI Summit (January/February 2025)
Spotlight on Experts: We’re planning a UU-focused AI Summit featuring experts from AI and Faith, including Mark Graves and, we hope, Shannon Vallor.
Interactive Discussions: The summit will offer breakout sessions, keynote talks, and discussions about the ethical implications of AI for congregations and broader society.
Building Engagement: This event will emphasize AI’s role in advancing UU values and help congregations explore practical and ethical applications of AI.
Further Development of the AI Engagement Guide for UU Congregations
Purpose: This guide will provide step-by-step strategies to introduce AI-related conversations into congregations.
Coffee Hour AI Chats: We’re designing templates for informal discussions after services to engage members in exploring AI’s impact and ethical challenges.
Resources: The guide will include curated materials, FAQ sheets, and links to further reading, tailored to UU congregations.
Proposal for a Live Panel at General Assembly 2025
Focus: We plan to propose a panel for next year’s General Assembly to explore AI’s ethical implications and practical applications.
Content: The panel will feature experts, case studies, and interactive discussions to demonstrate how UUs can lead in the ethical development of AI.
Creative Observances of the Soul Matters Theme: Story (January 2025)
Darwin's Edge Sci-Fi Narrative: We’re introducing Darwin's Edge, a sci-fi tale set in 2045. This story features the UU Congregation of the Southern Adirondacks and its minister, the Rev. Peter Gilman, as they navigate a world transformed by AI and brain-computer interface technology.
AI-Based Curriculum for Young People: We’ll engage young UUs in using AI to research and write stories that reflect UU principles and values. This initiative combines creativity, ethical inquiry, and emerging technologies to inspire the next generation.