A Prompt for UU Ministers and Worship Teams
Each spring at UU Saratoga’s Goods and Services Auction, Rev. Joe Cleveland puts up for bid one of his sermons. The member willing to put down the most cash down on the barrel wins the right to say to Rev. Joe: “Illuminate us on this.”
Bidding at this year’s auction was intense, but I was able to secure the sermon-naming rights for a princely sum that I know will be well worth my contribution.
Since last spring, I’ve been mulling the exact prompt I want to give Rev. Joe on behalf of AI and the Human.
Until he tells me he has started writing, I figure it’s OK to fine-tune the assignment.
When I made the bid, I merely hoped that Rev. Joe would speak in his thoughtful and entertaining way to illuminate our October 22 Day to Reflect on Our Relationships with Our Machines. In truth, this still would be fine.
Since he’s a big sci-fi fan, I thought he might also enjoy this prompt: