Looking Forward to Ayudha Puja
Calling Ayudha Puja a “day for expressing gratitude, and even reverence, for the tools that help us to live our lives,” Rev. Joe says “we will honor the wisdom in this tradition by considering the tools and the technology that so woven in and ubiquitous in the way we live today.” He has titled his sermon “Machined Soul.”
Backstory ... with Emma Kress
In the workshop she led at the Saratoga Book Festival, Emma Kress took us step-by-step through all of the key components of plot. We'll aim to rigorously apply her approach in Darwin's Edge.
Visions of 'Apocalyptic AI'
The Smartacus Sharing Circle is taking shape. We’ll mark its launch on Ayudha Puja, a Hindu festival in which we celebrate our tools and machines and mark new beginnings.
A New Liturgical Year
Our friends at Soul Matters have given UU ministers, religious educators, and worship teams an inspiring list of themes around which to develop Sunday services, small-group discussions, and RE classes in 2023-24.
Content Evolves
I started my career a half-century ago on a manual typewriter. Today I create content with ChatGPT. It’s turning Smartacus into The AI Colossus.